Monday, December 29, 2008

When I get bored...

Okay on monday (today) I got so extremely bored! It was insane! So... with the help with my awesome new camera! I took these extremely random pictures... Enjoy....

me sad.. so sad

ya.. this was a random one..

bored as ever

ya I don't know whats going on here
bright flashing light! aagghh!!
So there you have it. My extremely boring monday

Monday, October 13, 2008

I'm back.... again

Okay you guys, I know I haven't been on like, EVER but things have been crazy, I've got to keep up on homework, chores, and I've been hanging out with my friends A LOT so everythings just crazy right now! And plus I really don't know what to talk about! Ok well there's school. School's great I've made tons of really amazing friends and ya. I'm taking french, which rocks... a lot! BUT there's this stupid kid who has the locker next to me. Well, he is a butt. I hate him, He called me the B word because i wouldn't move my locker door and there is a VERY good explanation why I wouldn't move my locker. Ok so he comes along saying "move your stupid door" and I was like um... no, not if your going to talk to me like that. So he bends down to open his locker and shoves my door against me. So I shove back because I'm not going to put up with that!! So I push back and he's a little weakling so he was falling and he says to me, "I swear to G-- if you knock me down i will kill you." So what do I do, I knock him over! He gets up kicks my locker door shut. I open my locker door and he opens his but the girl next to his is like, my friend, so as soon as he gets it open she slams it shut, and says "sorry but you don't do that" THEN he looks at me and says, B----- and I was like "excuse me" and he starts laughing and so I just rolled my eyes and ya.... so other than that schools great!!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

I'm back on blogger!

Sorry I haven't blogged lately I have been sooooo busy! But here I am!! Okay, lets talk about girls camp, OH MY GOSH!! I LOVED GIRLS CAMP SO SO SO SO SO MUCH! It was amazing! Wow I have never experienced anything quite like that before :) I absolutely loved it! Me and Saren made this cute little sleeping area, when I develop the pictures I'll put them on here, and it was so cute! I had so much fun I can't stop saying that!! But it sad at the same time because i wasn't going home to my ward I was going home to my NEW ward which made it sad. But thats okay, I've a lot of new friends and Lakeridge is going to be so much FUN!!! Yay! Hopefully I'll stay updated!! Love you all!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Night Games

My friend Savanna threw a fare well party for me! It was so much fun! We went to her house (me and all my friends) and had snakcs and stuff. Then we went to the church parking lot to play night gmaes, the whole time we played capture the flag. It was SO much fun!! Especially when it got really dark! I had so much fun! Savanna, thank you SO SO much for doing this for me! I had a great time and I'm going to miss you! Thank you thank you thank you!!!!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Cabin

We went to the cabin (me, my mom and all her sisters, and my grandma) and scrapbooked all night long! The next day we scrapbooked some more then they started to leave. Lisa (my aunt) and Asia (my cousin) stayed and my dad and my brothers came up with my uncle Jared with my cousin Roman. When they got here we hung out, played some games, and then we went to the cabin that they were staying at. I swear it wasn't even a cabin! It was huge! It was so big!! Then we came back to our cabin, (just me and my family) and went to sleep. The next day (Sunday) they came to our cabin around 9:40 I was still asleep (of course) but once I got up and ready we went 4 wheeling. It was SO much fun!! I loved it! It was their 4 wheelers which I am sad about because I wasnt 4 wheelers so bad now!! Well that's pretty much it. My weekend at the cabin.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Stupid Stupid Shots!!

Okay, when a doctor tells you it won't hurt, trust me, it will!! Shots are the worst!! My arms are so so so sore! Sheesh! Well thats all for now!!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Good Friends

These are 2 of my best friends, I just want to say thanks to all my great, awesome, FABTABULOUS friends. I'm going to miss all of you! Savanna, Syd, Nancy, Sam, Mary, Saren, Miriam, Jessica, Courtney, Bailey, Brooke, I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!! Sorry, I only have these pictures :( But just know that if I had more pics, I would put them on!!! :) Anyways, thanks to you all! I'm going to miss you TONS!!!!

Me and Nancy

Me and Syd

Me, Syd, and Nancy!

The Fourth of July!

This year, instead of going to the parade, we woke up at 5:30 in the morning to go see the balloons. It was fun.. and tiring. We came home and had a long nap. My mom's side of the family came over for a picnic before stadium of fire. Stadium of Fire was so cool! My friend Savanna was one of the dancers there. I brought binoculars and after awhile I finally found her! Good job dancing Savanna!! The Blue Man Group was AWESOME! They were so cool! I loved them! Miley Cyrus.. not so much :)

The balloons were, like I said, very cool!

Okay, I know what you're thinking, but I was tired! (Gage is in the green blanket by the way)

Stadium of Fire!

Daxton fell asleep, during all the Stadium of Fire traffic, on my knee!

There I am, asleep. I was SOOOO tired!

My Birthday... better late then never!

My Birthday was so much fun this year! I got cool things, my family was there, what could be better? Thanks to everyone who made my birthday awesome! Now for pictures...

My parents took me out to Ikea and Training Table mmm mmm

I hade a cookie cake this year! It was very yummy!

I got a lot of cool things from Ikea. My room looks awesome!

My sweet hanging chair... thats not hanging :) It will be when we move!

Monday, June 16, 2008

St. George

We just got back from St. George, and it was VERY hot, like 100 degrees every day! We went and saw The Sound of Music at the Tuachan. I have no idea how to spell that! Anyways, it was so fun! We had such a good time just chillin at the pool, and being lazy :) It was very fun. AND my birthday is tomorrow! That is very exciting! I am so excited! Me and my parents (no brothers :) are going to IKEA to get a bunch of stuff for my room, and ya! I am way excited! I'm excited, can you tell?

Monday, June 2, 2008

Happy Birthday Hailey! soon

My birthday is in 16 days! I am so excited! June is going to be the best month for me! First we go to St. George, then that very Tuesday is my birthday! Then the next weekend is Lake Powell, then the next weekend is when I finally get to go to Young Womens. How exciting! July can either be lame or exciting. If its lame, it means we have to pack and go to a house that no one wants to move to. Exciting means we get to pack happily because we're moving to our favorite house by Grandpa, and Grandma Cox. That would be awesome! Anyways, I hope everyone has an awesome summer and have fun things planned! And if you don't, you can come with us to Lake Powell!

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Summer Happiness = Sick Hailey

Can you beleive it?? It's the first day of summer vacation and I'm sick. Not a great way to start of my summer. My throat hurts like never before, I can't breathe through my nose, I can barely breathe throught my mouth because of my throat. And to top it all off, my sunburn hurts. Really bad. It may sound like a lame excuse to you, but holy cow! My sunburn has never hurt this bad! I am constantly having headaches, thanks to my sunburn. Well, hopefully it passes soon because this is the worst!!


School is out!!!! And I am so ready for summer!!! No homework, no school just sleeping in and staying up late. Which is what I did just last night! Me and 2 other friends had a late night to celebrate the start of a fantastic summer. We went to Blockbuster, got a movie and a TON of candy, and went home and started the movie. The movie was hilarious! Well, by the time the movie had ended, we were all VERY hyper. Which, is always fun. This summer is going to fabulous!!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Testing is over! And school just got a whole lot better!

Testing is over!! Our last test was the math test. Which I was always the last one finished. But thats okay. School suddenly feels enjoyable. No more testing, no more homework, no library. If school was always like this, I wouldn't mind going to school every single day! We're going on a lot of feild trips. And preparing for Feild Day. At our school, feild day is run by the sixth graders. Which I think is way more fun. We're going to Seven Peaks on Wednesday, Which I am so excited for. But we have to walk there. But thats okay. I don't know, school has just been more exciting and fun! AND we're done with our dance! It's awesome! It's way cool! So anyways, School is fabulous!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

"Boys, dip the girls" WHAT!!

In our dance, for the dance festival, the boys dip the girls at the end. Let me tell ya! That is scary! Even though you're basically lifting your own weight, what if they dropped you!! That is a ScArY though!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Its just a simple drink of water, can I do it? No

This past week has been crazy! With testing and friends and a lot of other things that I could just lose my mind. Take drinking water from the drinking fountain. I was drinking then I guess I pushed harder or someone bumped me, I don't know but it shot up and got all over my face. Then I go to drink some more, and the same thing happens. Crazy. I think I'm just losing it!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Back on board

Here I am! Back on board. Which basically means I haven't been to the blog for awhile but I am now! I just love this color! Don't you? Well anyways, I can't wait for the dance festival! Sixth grade is doing the Swing! How cool! Well, that's all I can think of right now, but I'll be back! Luv ya tons!

Monday, April 28, 2008


Okay, so the test is tomorrow (the language arts one) and its on the computer! Weird, I know. So I am like freaking out over the test! I'll do fine but still! The test is insanely important. And we've reveiwed so much Mr. Sprunger would be SO mad if any of us failed! Speaking, of Mr. Sprunger, He's getting married! How insane is that! Insane has been my word lately. Weird huh? Anyways, so ya I'm freaking out over the test! Oh well I'll do fine. Okay, so Mr. Sprunger said we have to go to bed no later than 9:30 and everyone's like "ahhhhh" or "ahh! c'mon" or "seriously?!?!" and here I am saying, "I go to bed earlier than that!" and Matt who sits in front of me is like "what?!?!" so ya, I'm considered and nerd because I go to bed early and I don't watch PG 13 movies. Seriously, people in my class watch like rated R movies. No joke. And I'm like, "C'mon people! Wer're not even thirteen and you guys are watching rated R movies?!?!" Insane.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Another great day at school! uhh.. cough cough

So school, what's the deal? I mean all we do is reveiw after reveiw after reveiw. Okay, so the test's start on Wednesday but still! Its insane! I know that the whole point in reveiws are to prepare you for the test. But I'm already prepared! Sort of, well prepared enough that I don't need to keep doing these lame reveiws. And if there's supposed to be an apostrphe before the "S" on "reveiw", maybe I do need some more of that reveiwing. (sigh) Well at least we actually did a science experiement. Did I spell that right? Oh boy. Okay well the science experiement was to collect bacteria from around the room by swiping it with a cotton swab, then gently scraping it on the Agar. Interesting huh? Well I thought it was and I LOVE science. Call me a nerd, geek, call me want you want, but I LOVE science okay? Okay, well enough of this, I need a life.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Spring Break

Spring Break is almost over but I'm sure everyone had a great one. Spring Break was a week this year! But that means we get out on the last day of May. Not fun. The beginning of spring break I thought was boring but then we went to Disneyland. Well now its Sunday and we go back to school tomorrow. Fun fun. Not really. So I hope you all had a great Spring Break and I hope you are all ready to go back to school and learn and prepare for the test. Oh boy..... the test....

Saturday, April 19, 2008

California Baby

I LOVE CALIFORNIA!!! DISNEYLAND IS AWESOME!! So over Spring Break my parents (who are awesome) surprised us by waking us up and telling us we were going to Disneyland. They had everything packed and ready to go all we needed to do was get dressed and head on out. When we got there, we swam and stuff but the next day was the first day of Disneyland. During the week I saw a lot of people that I know. I saw McKenna and Miriam, my mom's cousins, Gage's friend and Dax's teacher. (who's Miriam's mom) but, we also saw someone, I guess you could say, famous. Roger from "Biggest Loser" if you watch the show you'll know. But ya, he was there and we talked to him and took a picture with him! Well, we had a lot of fun in Disneyland, "The Happiest Place On Earth!"