Monday, April 21, 2008

Another great day at school! uhh.. cough cough

So school, what's the deal? I mean all we do is reveiw after reveiw after reveiw. Okay, so the test's start on Wednesday but still! Its insane! I know that the whole point in reveiws are to prepare you for the test. But I'm already prepared! Sort of, well prepared enough that I don't need to keep doing these lame reveiws. And if there's supposed to be an apostrphe before the "S" on "reveiw", maybe I do need some more of that reveiwing. (sigh) Well at least we actually did a science experiement. Did I spell that right? Oh boy. Okay well the science experiement was to collect bacteria from around the room by swiping it with a cotton swab, then gently scraping it on the Agar. Interesting huh? Well I thought it was and I LOVE science. Call me a nerd, geek, call me want you want, but I LOVE science okay? Okay, well enough of this, I need a life.