Monday, April 28, 2008


Okay, so the test is tomorrow (the language arts one) and its on the computer! Weird, I know. So I am like freaking out over the test! I'll do fine but still! The test is insanely important. And we've reveiwed so much Mr. Sprunger would be SO mad if any of us failed! Speaking, of Mr. Sprunger, He's getting married! How insane is that! Insane has been my word lately. Weird huh? Anyways, so ya I'm freaking out over the test! Oh well I'll do fine. Okay, so Mr. Sprunger said we have to go to bed no later than 9:30 and everyone's like "ahhhhh" or "ahh! c'mon" or "seriously?!?!" and here I am saying, "I go to bed earlier than that!" and Matt who sits in front of me is like "what?!?!" so ya, I'm considered and nerd because I go to bed early and I don't watch PG 13 movies. Seriously, people in my class watch like rated R movies. No joke. And I'm like, "C'mon people! Wer're not even thirteen and you guys are watching rated R movies?!?!" Insane.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Another great day at school! uhh.. cough cough

So school, what's the deal? I mean all we do is reveiw after reveiw after reveiw. Okay, so the test's start on Wednesday but still! Its insane! I know that the whole point in reveiws are to prepare you for the test. But I'm already prepared! Sort of, well prepared enough that I don't need to keep doing these lame reveiws. And if there's supposed to be an apostrphe before the "S" on "reveiw", maybe I do need some more of that reveiwing. (sigh) Well at least we actually did a science experiement. Did I spell that right? Oh boy. Okay well the science experiement was to collect bacteria from around the room by swiping it with a cotton swab, then gently scraping it on the Agar. Interesting huh? Well I thought it was and I LOVE science. Call me a nerd, geek, call me want you want, but I LOVE science okay? Okay, well enough of this, I need a life.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Spring Break

Spring Break is almost over but I'm sure everyone had a great one. Spring Break was a week this year! But that means we get out on the last day of May. Not fun. The beginning of spring break I thought was boring but then we went to Disneyland. Well now its Sunday and we go back to school tomorrow. Fun fun. Not really. So I hope you all had a great Spring Break and I hope you are all ready to go back to school and learn and prepare for the test. Oh boy..... the test....

Saturday, April 19, 2008

California Baby

I LOVE CALIFORNIA!!! DISNEYLAND IS AWESOME!! So over Spring Break my parents (who are awesome) surprised us by waking us up and telling us we were going to Disneyland. They had everything packed and ready to go all we needed to do was get dressed and head on out. When we got there, we swam and stuff but the next day was the first day of Disneyland. During the week I saw a lot of people that I know. I saw McKenna and Miriam, my mom's cousins, Gage's friend and Dax's teacher. (who's Miriam's mom) but, we also saw someone, I guess you could say, famous. Roger from "Biggest Loser" if you watch the show you'll know. But ya, he was there and we talked to him and took a picture with him! Well, we had a lot of fun in Disneyland, "The Happiest Place On Earth!"