Saturday, April 4, 2009

There is a Castle on a Cloud.. How Do you get to Wonderland?

Okay, remember how I said that I might need a retainer? Well, we went to the Dentist and my mom asked him if we could get my teeth filed, he said that we could and we'd do it when my brothers get their teeth filled. (No cavities for Hailey! YES!!) Then my mom asked what we should do about my front teeth. He said that we could put braces on just the front teeth and that would take care of the problem. It's not a big problem infact he said that if I didn't want braces I didn't have to get them because my teeth really aren't that bad. Well, turns out, I'm getting braces. Oh well. It'll be a good thing though because then I'll have perfect teeth! Yay! Okay anyways so this past week has been insanity! So I've had rehearsal after rehearsal after rehearsal! Rehearsals for my school play and rehearsals for my Scera performance. It's been insane! So I had my Scera performance on Wednesday and Thursday and my school play Thursday (Which I had to miss for my scera performance) Friday, and then we will have one on Monday and Tuesday. I sang Castle On a Cloud from Les Miserables as a SOLO! It was fun fun fun! And my school play was way fun too and I can't wait for Monday and Tuesday. So I'm saving up for a dog. (Very random but I'm switching subjects now) So far I have $112.00. Pretty exciting eh? Yes I want a dog so very badly!! Oh so very badly. And if I save up for one, I will get one. I want A maltese I think they're so cute! I won't let it grow out its hair very long, I don't like the way that looks! There was one at Animal Ark and for a week I would go there almost everyday and hold him and play with him and stuff. My mom and dad were pretty close to buying him but he was so expensive! He was four hundred dollars. Or maybe five, I can't remember but he was expensive. It was a sad sad day when my parents told me I had to save up for him. But by this point he's probably got a happy home. And there will always be a maltese out there for ME! But for now... I'm saving up my moolah. Student Led Conferences were this week and all my teacher's love me. I'm every teacher's dream! Seriously! My science teacher told me I'm every teachers dream! So I got forty dollars for having a 4.0 cool huh! Okay well I'm done. Thanks for reading it all!!

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